Ways to achieve smoking cessation

Ways to achieve smoking cessation

Smoking, one of the most common causes of lung cancer, also weakens your immunity and reduces the energy level of the person. Moreover, smoking affects passive smokers as much as active smokers and leads to deteriorating health. According to one estimate, approximately 7,300 individuals in the country die each year due to second-hand smoke or passive smoking.

Smoking cessation benefits
The beneficial effects of smoking cessation start immediately, and it is one of the best steps to take to maintain the health of your lungs, along with overall health. Then, there are other benefits as well, like you stop polluting the environment, your blood pressure moves toward the normal value, the oxygen levels in your blood increase, and the carbon monoxide levels decrease. In the long term, the chances of lung cancers and other types of cancers caused due to smoking diminishes. Hence, smoking cessation has an enormous positive impact on your life, and it’s never too late to undertake it.

Ways to quit smoking
It is important to understand that smoking is an addiction, and you will feel a strong urge to smoke after you decide to quit. Hence, most smokers do not remain committed for a long time and start again. Smoking cessation requires strong willpower apart from medication in certain cases. A common cessation strategy, thus, may not work for everyone. The following steps may help:

  • Make a plan : Begin with a specific date and get yourself ready for it.
    Record your day: You must record your thoughts and triggers just before you smoke. This will help you in understanding the stimulus for smoking. For example, the trigger for smoking can be a specific mood, environment, place, or time. Understanding the triggers is very important for smoking cessation.
  • Motivation : Make a list of all the reasons that motivated you to decide to quit smoking. It can be health benefits, financial benefits, or familial reasons. Read this list continuously, and focus on the benefits of smoking cessation.
  • Keep yourself busy : Some people have a habit of smoking when they are not engaged in constructive work. To avoid this, you must engage yourself in activities that can divert your mind. Do something whenever you get an urge to smoke. It can be taking a walk, working on your computer, or spending time with non-smokers. You can also visit places where smoking is prohibited, such as libraries and museums.
  • Behavioral changes : Do not carry a matchbox, cigarettes, or a lighter to light your cigarette. The presence of these items makes you more prone to break your commitment, so avoid them altogether.
  • Share your achievements : It is a great motivational factor and keeps boosting your morale.
  • Medications : Certain nicotine gums that are helpful are available in the market. You can also try medication aimed at helping you to stop smoking after consulting a doctor.
    Smoking cessation has tremendous health benefits and requires constant effort at the psychological level such as strong willpower, diverting your mind to other fruitful activities, and overcoming the strong triggers.