Vitamin-rich foods that help enrich the skin

Vitamin-rich foods that help enrich the skin

Your skin is one of the first things that people notice when they look at you. It is a universally known fact that our skin keeps changing with every stage of our life. For example, sagging and development of wrinkles tend to be some of the major concerns as we age. So how do we decide when to start caring for the skin? It’s probably earlier than you think.

A study from the University of San Diego states that avoiding the sun from younger times is more important than not smoking in younger age. The best way in which you can take care of your skin is by keeping it well-hydrated with a layer of lipid (fat) beneath the skin to protect the internal moisture. According to some experts, this can be done by consuming ‘smart fat’ such as Omega-3 fatty acids and mono-saturated fats. Staying hydrated throughout the day by consuming at least 8-10 glasses of water every day is the key to maintaining healthy and younger looking skin.

Researchers at Monash University in Australia conducted a recent study where they looked at the diet of about 450 people aged around 70. They noticed that those who ate a diet containing more ‘whole foods’ such as fruits, legumes, vegetables, yogurts, eggs, nuts and oil rich in mono-saturated fats, had less wrinkling and premature skin aging as compared to the ones who included more processed food such as whole milk, red meat, potatoes, butter and sugar in their diets.

Nourishing your health inside and out with essential vitamins is a necessity to achieve naturally glowing and healthy skin. Hence, learning how each vitamin can help boost your skin’s overall appearance and health and having precise knowledge of rich sources of these vitamins goes a long way in achieving the skin of your dreams. In this article, we will look into various sources of vitamins essential for the skin. A few rich natural sources of each of the vitamins, such as

  • Vitamin A
    Sweet potatoes, vegetables such as carrots and spinach, fruits such as mangoes, beef, eggs, and dairy products.
  • Vitamin B5
    Avocados, sunflower seeds, broccoli, and mushrooms.
  • Vitamin C
    Citric fruits such as oranges, berries and pineapple, mangoes, and lemon
  • Vitamin E
    Sunflower seeds, almonds, avocados, and olive oil.
  • Folic acid (Synthetic form of vitamin B9)
    Fruits such as papaya, grapefruit, raspberries, and strawberries.
  • Vitamin K2
    Fermented foods such as kimchi and soy, meat, and dairy products.
  • Vitamin B3
    Spirulina, coffee, rice bran, peanuts, and chia seeds
  • Vitamin D
    Various types of mushrooms such as Maitake, Chanterelle, and Portobello. Foods that have been fortified with vitamin D such as some dairy products, soy milk, orange juice, and cereals. Other food items include beef liver, cheese, and egg yolk.
  • Choline (Synthetic form of Vitamin B4)
    Eggs, peanuts, and milk.

What you eat can have a great impact on your skin health. The foods on this list are a great option to keep your skin strong, attractive and healthy. So, eat healthily, stay beautiful!