Types of microdermabrasion

Types of microdermabrasion

All microdermabrasion treatments work to primarily achieve the same outcome — that is to remove dead skin cells. This process is also helpful to treat many of the surface problems, like dullness, hyperpigmentation, mild to moderate acne, and fine lines. But unlike most facials, microdermabrasion isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment. There are many procedures that can be considered as microdermabrasion, but we will take a closer look at the three of the most popular ones.

Crystal microdermabrasion
Crystal microdermabrasion has been around the longest of all the three types listed here. As the name suggests, these procedures use wand-like equipment to spray fine crystals over your face. The loose crystals abrade and polish the skin, and an attached vacuum sucks up the used crystals and dead skin cells with each pass. These crystals are made from nontoxic organic sodium bicarbonate or aluminum oxide.

  • Pros:
    • It is considered the best type of microdermabrasion for acne because the crystals have anti-bacterial properties that eradicate them.
    • The loose crystals from these procedures can reach places where a diamond-tip microdermabrasion procedure can’t.
  • Cons:
    • Spray from the wand can be difficult to control.
    • Crystals can sometimes irritate the eyes and also be inhaled.
    • Though the outcome is pretty satisfactory, the procedure can be pretty uncomfortable.
    • After the procedure, you might find a pink or red glow on your face that generally fades within a couple of hours.

Diamond microdermabrasion
Diamond-tip microdermabrasion uses wand-like equipment with a tip made from either synthetic or natural diamond chips. This is a particle-free technique which is why aestheticians often prefer this method as it also allows for better control and precision. The wands come with an attached suction to suck the dead skin cells. Similar to crystal microdermabrasion, this treatment is also relatively quick, and any redness you see after the procedure will disappear by end of the day.

  • Pros:
    • Since diamonds are the hardest known mineral, it is the most effective for abrasion and polishing.
    • There is no risk of ingestion with this treatment, which allows for closer work near the eyes and mouth.
  • Cons:
    • The large size of the wand and fixed shape makes it hard to reach every part of the face.
    • Skin cells can potentially build up on the wand, spreading the bacteria to other sections of the face.

DermaSweep is pretty similar to diamond microdermabrasion. But it uses a gentler vacuum pump that is capped by one of the several bristle-tipped heads made of various coarseness like silk, nylon, or polyester satin tone. These bristles deliver various serums into the skin, like salicylic acid to treat acne or hyaluronic acid to help with dryness. After the procedure, the pores are more open. The vacuum plays a larger role in this procedure, the airflow is reversible, which allows pushing and pulling on the skin, stimulating collagen production and circulation.

  • Pros:
    • The equipment is customizable with a variety of tips and vacuum settings.
    • The wand is gentler which minimizes discomfort.
  • Cons:
    • Bristles on the wand are not as effective as minerals.