Triggers to Avoid with IBS

Triggers to Avoid with IBS

When you or someone you love is suffering from IBS (or irritable bowel syndrome), there is something to be said for being able to properly address the problems that might arise as a result of the condition. By taking advantage of things such as a low FODMAP diet, it is possible to avoid a lot of the unfortunate realities associated with various IBS symptoms that people experience. Among the symptoms of IBS are: pain and cramping, gas/bloating, food intolerance, and fatigue/difficulty sleeping.

Below are some of the causes of IBS to avoid:

1. Insoluble fiber
Insoluble fiber is extremely bulky and difficult to digest, and for this reason it is important to avoid insoluble fiber such as processed white breads, tortillas, etc. Examples of soluble fiber include: root vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips. Grains such as oatmeal or barley. Fruits that include berries, mangos, oranges, and grapefruit.

2. Gluten
What is important to realize about gluten is that it is a type of protein that some people are allergic to, and as a result it can cause a variety of issues outside of IBS. Those with celiac disease and IBS especially should avoid gluten, which is present in most bread products. Some of the people who consume gluten can actually experience changes in their intestinal cells, and as a result experience a decrease in the ability to absorb nutrients.

3. Dairy
Although everyone is different, the consumption of dairy is something which can become a problem for various reasons. The reason dairy is problematic for people with IBS includes the fact that it contains fat, and this can increase the likelihood of having diarrhea. One of the ways to avoid consuming dairy while still receiving its benefits is to take calcium supplements. By taking calcium supplements, one can avoid having to consume dairy products for their nutritional benefits.

4. Fried foods
Aside from their extremely unhealthy attributes in terms of heart health, fried foods are extremely bad for its chemical composition. The chemicals present in fried foods make them exceedingly difficult to digest, and therefore grilling is advised as a better option for food preparation.

5. Beans and legumes
While beans are a great source of fiber, they can also cause IBS symptoms as well. While they help to increase bulk when passing stool, they can also cause a large amount of gas and bloating. This is why people with IBS should avoid beans.

6. Caffeinated drinks
Tea, soda, and coffee all contain caffeine and caffeine in general can cause diarrhea. For those with IBS, diarrhea can cause further difficulties, and therefore these drinks should be avoided by those with IBS. Utilizing alternative means of gaining energy such as protein or exercise would be a good option.

7. Processed foods
Foods which are optimized for cold storage and a variety of other foods which are heavily-processed should be considered bad options for those with IBS. The chemicals and various spices/preservatives found in these foods can be exceedingly harsh on the digestive tract.

8. Chocolate
Aside from the caffeine found in many types of chocolate, milk chocolate is a double whammy for those suffering from IBS due to its dairy content. For those who wish to enjoy chocolate that have IBS, vegan chocolate is something worth considering.