Treatment Options for Ovarian Cancer

Treatment Options for Ovarian Cancer

The female reproductive system consists of two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. They are responsible for producing eggs, and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Ovarian cancer in the early stage may not cause any symptoms, but advanced stage ovarian cancer may cause symptoms that are non specific, and could be mistaken for other benign or minor conditions.

Symptoms could include abdominal bloating, pelvic discomfort, weight loss, constipation, or the frequent need to urinate. There are several treatments for ovarian cancer available to women that are prescribed under the recommendation of their physician:

1. Different surgeries
Surgeries for ovarian cancer may include the surgery to remove one ovary which is often performed in the early stage if the cancer has not gone beyond that one ovary. Surgery to remove both ovaries if the cancer has spread to both. The fallopian tubes will also be removed. A surgery to remove the uterus along with the ovaries will be performed for the more extensive cancer. Advanced cancer surgery is performed to remove as much of the cancer as possible following chemotherapy.

2. Chemotherapy
This is the use of a chemical drug treatment that kills the fast growing cancer cells in the body. These drugs can be pills that are taken by mouth, or an injection into the veins. Oftentimes the drugs are injected into the abdomen. Chemotherapy can be used before surgery, or after surgery to kill any cancerous cells that were left behind.

3. Radiation therapy
Radiation is a cancer treatment where beams of intense energy are used to kill cancer cells. It often uses X-Ray, but other types of energy such as protons are also used. The high energy beams come from a machine that aims the beam at a precise point on the body. Radiation therapy can destroy or damage genetic material in the body that controls how cells grow and divide. Sometimes healthy cells can be damaged as well as the cancerous cells.

4. Targeted therapy
This type of therapy treatment for ovarian cancer uses medication to target specific vulnerabilities that are present in the cancer cells. The drugs are reserved to use for the treatment of ovarian cancer that has returned after an initial treatment, or a cancer that is resistant to other treatments. The doctor will test the cancer cells to make a determination as to which targeted therapy will have the most effect on the cancer.

5. Palliative care
Also called “supportive care”, this is a medically specialized care that focuses on providing pain relief from serious conditions. The specialists will work with doctors with the extra support to help with ongoing treatment. This includes aggressive treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy. When this treatment is used with the other cancer treatments, patients usually feel better while living longer.

Although ovarian cancer may not present symptoms in the early stages, the cancer can still be diagnosed if testing is warranted from the signs that may seem insignificant when they are first noticed. Bloating and swelling of the abdomen are signs that should be reported to a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Other signs may indicate something different, but it is better in the long run to have all small symptoms tested by a physician so that treatment can begin in the early stage.