Top 5 Makeup Hacks For Aging Skin

Top 5 Makeup Hacks For Aging Skin

Aging skin is something that many women begin to face as early as their 30’s. There are many outside factors such as pollutants and the sun’s rays that can damage skin and cause some premature aging. Early signs of aging skin typically include laugh lines, crow’s feet, sun spots and even dull looking skin. Fear not though because the beauty industry is a booming industry full of products to help bring back vitality and rejuvenate aging skin to make it look youthful once again:

1. Exfoliate and cleanse
Dull spots on the skin can be buffed out with the right type of cleanser. If you are using a gentle wash treatment and notice dry and flaking skin or areas that just seem dull you will want to switch to a product with exfoliating properties. At least twice a week you should be gently buffing away the dead outer layer of your skin to allow the healthy layers to peek through. While you are exfoliating your face also pick up a lip exfoliator. This product works the same way and you can get all of your exfoliation needs done at once. Buff away the dull skin and let the new shine through. make sure you utilize a cleanser with anti-aging properties on the days that you are not exfoliating.

2. Moisturize
To keep skin healthy and protected select a moisturizing lotion that also has anti-aging properties combined with a level SPF to keep your skin safe from UV rays. Don’t forget to take care of your lips also and use a moisturizing lip gloss or balm that also contains SPF. As you age make sure you ditch the products for younger skin and focus on the ones that are targeted to help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet.

3. Utilize lip balm
Throughout the day make sure you are applying lip gloss or lip balm. This will keep your lips hydrated. The added benefit is hydrated lips look youthful. Cracked and dry lips can often draw the eyes towards laugh lines around the mouth.

4. Use the right makeup
The right makeup will make a world of difference. As you age your skin goes through many changes. When you were younger you may have used more shimmering make ups that felt a bit heavier. Now as the laugh lines appear those heavy make-up products only enhance the lines. You want to reduce the appearance of these lines by using concealers that also offer plumping properties. Liquid foundation for aging skin typically has a higher SPF level and also is ultra-lightweight to prevent caking. Once the make-up is applied then a light powder can be added to reduce any shine and even out the overall tone. The best place to find this foundation is at the beauty counter. Cosmetologists will be able to give makeup tips for aging skin that will be simple to follow in order to achieve that youthful appearance.

5. Don’t forget your brows
Once the foundation and powder are applied it is important to focus on the brows. As we age our brows can thin out a bit. Adding a tinted brow gel to the daily makeup application process will help enhance the natural tint of the brows while smoothing away that may be unruly. Tidy brows finish off the simplistic all natural look that many women want to achieve as they age.

Following these basic beauty hacks will not add time to your morning routine but will add a youthful glow to your appearance. Purchasing products specific for anti-aging and fine line reduction will put you on the path of glowing and healthy skin.