Things to know about eating disorders

Things to know about eating disorders

What is an eating disorder?
There is a common misconception that eating disorders are lifestyle choices that people take up. This is untrue. An eating disorder is a serious illness related to persistent eating behaviors that are unhealthy and affect the physical as well as the emotional well-being of a person. The condition can even be fatal in a lot of cases. In an eating disorder, the body fails to get the right amount of nutrition and this causes extensive damage to the systems.

Types of eating disorders
Eating disorders are of several types and each type affects the body differently. Here are some of the most commonly found conditions:

Anorexia nervosa: This condition is commonly known as anorexia. People experiencing this tend to have a fear of gaining weight and subject themselves to extensive methods to lose weight. A person may be underweight and still view themselves as overweight. They limit their diets excessively and tend to be overly calorie conscious. People with anorexia often follow alternative weight-loss methods such as taking diet pills, purging and intensive work-outs. This condition can seriously tamper with the normal functioning of the body and can even be fatal.


  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Thinning of bones.
  • Feeling tired and lethargic.
  • Low blood pressure.

Bulimia nervosa: People with bulimia experience episodes of binge eating. They tend to consume an unhealthy amount of food in a very short period of time and follow drastic measures to compensate after. The episodes make them feel guilty and so they resort to methods like fasting, vomiting, consuming laxatives, and excessive exercising to shed calories. This eating disorder is similar to anorexia and stems from a skewed perception of the self. However, people dealing with bulimia tend to maintain a relatively normal weight.


  • Inflammation in the neck and jaw area.
  • Acid reflux.
  • Other gastrointestinal issues.
  • Severe dehydration.

Binge eating disorder: This is the most commonly found eating disorder in the country. People with a binge eating disorder find it hard to have control over their eating habits. They eat large quantities of food at frequent intervals. They feel the need to eat even while feeling full. People with this condition tend to feel guilt and shame after the episodes, but do not compensate by purging unlike those suffering from bulimia.


  • Feeling lethargic.
  • Difficulty in losing weight.
  • Acid reflux.

Rumination disorder: This disorder is unlike the rest as it is not caused due to mental health conditions. People with this condition experience repetitive regurgitation. They tend to experience nausea and gagging often and it may or may not be intentional. It can lead to malnutrition in extreme cases.

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: A lack of interest in eating, or avoidance of a particular type of food leads to this disorder. People often tend to avoid foods of certain color, texture, taste, or odor. Such aversion to food can result in being underweight or malnourishment.

Treating eating disorders
Eating disorders can be treated through therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Therapy forms a major part of treating these conditions. A course of treatment will be administered based on the type and severity of the disorder. Therapy may include:

  • Individual or group therapy.
  • Nutritional therapy.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Joining support groups.

Medication such as supplements, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers may also be administered to help with recovery.