The Top 5 New Jobs for 2021

The Top 5 New Jobs for 2021

Job prospects keep changing by season or year. If you’re considering higher education or a new career, it’s essential to determine the jobs in thriving industries with higher employment and good salaries. 2020 and 2021 have demonstrated that demand for service providers is likely to last for an extended period.

Emerging jobs have a better future than traditional careers, with training in areas with high employment retention. Below are the top new jobs for 2021:

1. Wind turbine technicians
Wind turbine technician (wind tech) jobs are increasing as concern for global warming has created a trend to use eco-friendly energy sources. It is a promising career if you like an adventurous job and enjoy working outdoors on tasks that require hands-on skills. The U.S. is a broad market for wind techs as there are more than 50,000 wind turbines scattered across at least 42 states, and the number is still increasing. The job is available when you train online or at one of the many companies that provide job training. The projected increase in hiring opportunities for wind turbine technicians is 61%, for an average earning of around $52,900 USD annually.

2. Uber drivers or food delivery drivers
Uber and food delivery driver jobs are an alternative to traditional careers. Job opportunities in this career are high because their popularity in 2021 continues growing. The competitiveness of the emerging jobs is increasing since more people are turning to technology through phone apps for solutions. Uber and food delivery driver jobs are a great choice if you like working on a flexible schedule when it suits you. The average salary earned for an Uber driver is $19 per hour or $37,050 per year. The average income for food delivery drivers is $20,800 and $36,899 for those who work full-time.

3. Occupational and physical therapist
Occupational therapy is one of the medical career areas that has got a high jump in demand. You will fit in well if your happiness comes from helping people to improve their quality of life. Occupational therapists spend their day helping patients develop skills for various daily activities like dressing, feeding, working, playing, and learning new skills.

4. Medical and health services managers
Medical and health services management is a suitable job if you have a degree in healthcare or management and you like to help medical professions to manage the business side of the practice. Many employers prefer masters. Medical and health service providers need managers since most professionals working in these areas focus on patient care. The position requires a capacity to plan, coordinate, and direct business activities for healthcare providers. The average income for a medical and health service management job is about $100,980 per year. The projected increase in hiring is 32%.

5. Solar Photovoltaic installer
Solar Photovoltaic installation suits those who like working outdoors using hands and tools. Installing solar panels on roofs is the main task for this job. Solar Photovoltaic installation is a high-paying job that does not require a college degree. Community colleges and technical schools offer on-campus or online solar energy courses. Many solar companies also hire and provide on-the-job training that may last for around a year. The average starting salary for a Solar Photovoltaic installer is $44,890 a year. The hiring is projected to increase by 51%.