The Most Effective Birth Control Options

The Most Effective Birth Control Options

Birth control has become a big part of every people’s everyday lives. As casual sex starts to become a more common practice, more and more people are using birth control. Without birth control, you have a much higher risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, STIs. There are a lot of different birth control methods that you can choose from. Here are some of the most effective ones that you should consider:

1. Condoms
If protecting yourself from STIs is your priority, which it definitely should be, then you should always use condoms. They are most commonly used for preventing STIs. If you use a condom perfectly, every time you have sex, then there is a 98% chance that you won’t get pregnant. However, a lot of people don’t use them properly every single time, which means that they are only about 85% effective. So about 15 out of 100 people will get pregnant every year if their only form of birth control is a condom.

2. Birth control pill
This pill first went on the market in 1960. There were a few hiccups that had to be fixed. However, over the years medical professionals have been able to perfect it. The two types of these pills would be monophasic and multiphasic pills. Monophasic pills have the same amount of hormones and are meant to be taken every day at the same time. Whereas the multiphasic pills have different levels of hormones and can be taken at different times, as long as you take it daily. In an ideal world, the pill is 99% effective. Although, if you do miss a pill or don’t take them properly, then you have about a 91% chance of getting pregnant. These pills will not prevent STIs.

3. Diaphragm
This is the oldest form of birth control. It has been around since 1842 but it didn’t become a prescribed form of birth control until the 1930s. It is relatively inexpensive and it is easy to use. One of the downsides of this method of birth control would be the fact that you have to use it consistently every time you have intercourse. The spermicide agents that are used with it can be pretty messy as well. When a diaphragm is used properly, the effectiveness of this method can range from 92% to 96%.

4. Birth control shot
This shot is one of the most recent developments for birth control. It is a man-made form of progestin that can help to prevent pregnancies. This method was approved by the FDA in the year 1992. It is one of the most effective methods with a 99% effectiveness rate. One shot of it will last for three months, just make sure you are getting them when you need them.