Teeth brushing techniques you should know

Teeth brushing techniques you should know

Brushing keeps your teeth clean by removing the dirt accumulated on it. Plaque and tartar need to be cleaned off every day for good oral hygiene.

The brushing of teeth is done using a toothbrush and a thin layer of toothpaste or tooth powder. You don’t need more than a pea’s size of toothpaste for single use. One needs to select a good brush that has soft bristles and is easy to grip. 

Teth brushing techniques
There are certain techniques for teeth brushing that help maintain good oral hygiene, such as

  • Horizontal brushing motion
    This is a scrub technique in which the brush is used in a to-and-fro motion for cleansing.
  • Vibratory motion
    It uses the Bass or Sulcular brushing technique. A part of the brush is projected slightly slanted during cleaning.
  • Vertical sweeping motion
    This is modified Stillman’s technique, where the brush is used in an up-and-down movement along the teeth.
  • Rotation motion
    This is Fones technique which uses round circular motions while cleaning.

Implementing these techniques
The techniques mentioned above are to be implemented as per the type of teeth one has.

  • Normal teeth
    • Select a brush suitable for mouth and comfortable to hold.
    • Hold the brush in a slant position so that the angle is easy to get in mouth.
    • Start wiggling the brush in an up and downward motion and follow the teeth pattern.
    • Brush in circular motions around several times.
    • Brush the inside surface of the front teeth and do not forget the inside layer the of side teeth.
    • Brush for 3 to 4 minutes.
    • Brush the tongue softly.
    • Complete the process by swishing the water around in the mouth.
  • People with braces
    • Start by brushing the parts above the braces line and then the lower part along the line.
    • Then the lower teeth, brush the upper part, above the braces and then part below it.
    • Follow the same steps for side teeth.
    • Brush chewing side.
    • Follow up by swishing water in the mouth for 4 to 5 times.
  • For babies
    When the baby’s tiny teeth erupt, that is when hustle of brushing baby teeth starts. Babies teeth initially can be brushed with
    • A soft, wet cloth
    • Finger brush
    • Water

When they attain the age of 1, teeth can be brushed using a brush with a round tip and soft bristles.

Techniques for babies/toddlers

  • Wet the bristles in the running water, it will clean and as well make the bristles softer.
  • Use a small amount of fluoride-free toothpaste.
  • Gently brush the teeth, avoiding gums.
  • Then rinse mouth with water.
  • Children could be taught to gargle and spit by the age of 2.
  • Brushing tongue gently is as important as brushing teeth.

These techniques are to ease the way of removing debris from the mouth and giving teeth a good clean. Brushing properly will enhance the beauty of teeth and in turn the face. Brushing techniques when rightly incorporated will increase the life of teeth by making them healthy.

Moreover, it is important, to visit your dentist every 6 months for an oral exam and professional cleaning. A dentist’s advice can also be taken on adopting the right techniques for one’s tooth structure, as the requirement varies from person to person.