Some strategies to know to prevent balding in men

Some strategies to know to prevent balding in men

Hair loss is a problem most men suffer from. When they turn 30, they may notice that the thick cover of hair is receding with each day. The hairline starts to march backward and more of the scalp begins to become visible. On witnessing such a problem, most men give it up by considering balding to be an untreatable phenomenon.

Science has worked out some tremendously astonishing ways that enable one to regain the lost hair. Doctors say that having a bald scalp may not be because of a genetic abnormality. One who loses hair can recover it with early diagnosis and proper treatment methodologies. In this article, some of the strategies of treatment adopted by the dermatologist will be covered:

Lotions and foams
There are minoxidil foams and cream that can work through an application on the balding areas. There is no definite dose to these medicines, but they can be applied twice a day to reach the desired outcome.

Generally, this medication helps the hair follicles to enlarge and stimulate the growth of hair. This has been successfully proven in 7 in every 10 individuals. The results may be apparent within 4-5 months.

There are some pills that work by blocking the activity of the enzyme that actively transforms testosterone to DHT, which is responsible for the male balding pattern. The DHT results in thinning of hair, specifically in those who have inherited the disease.

The hair follicles shrink with time, causing no hair growth over time. One active pill is Finasteride, which can slow the process of hair loss by 90% efficiently.

Hair grafting
This is a cosmetic procedure to treat balding, which is performed in the office of the surgeon. Micrografts generally include 1-2 strands of hair in a single graft. The other includes the slit graft that has 4-10 hair in a single process and the last is the punch graft, which includes 10-15 strands of hair in a single process. This may require the injection of local anesthesia.

In this process, the surgeon removes the hair-bearing skin of the scalp from the head back. The donor sites are generally stitched back. Stickers are removed by approximately 10 days. The results may derive hair that is natural and blends with the surrounding hair to conceal the bald areas. Several sessions may take place in order to give a satisfactory outcome. The healing process may vary from 2-4 months roughly in an individual.

Scalp reduction
This is another modern-day surgical method to treat balding in which the skin on the scalp bearing no hairs is removed. This enables the remaining skin that bears hair to fill the area of the head.

Through this process, a large area of the scalp that approximates to be half of the areas that are bald can be treated. It is incredibly beneficial in the back and top areas of the scalp. In this process, there may be the administration of the local anesthesia. This process is performed in combination with hair grafting.

Thus, these are some of the treatment plans that are helpful in combating the balding problems.