Skin care routines for people of all ages

Skin care routines for people of all ages

Logically, what you’ve been using in your 20s or 30s won’t work for you in the decade to follow. The logic behind this is that just as your calorie need varies with age, so should your skincare products and routines. Hence, a few preventive measures and skincare by age techniques to help you achieve the skin of your dreams at different stages of life are listed below.

People in their 20s
Sun protection should be an important part of your daily routine as your skin is extremely sensitive during this stage and is more prone to skin allergies. Another common issue among most youth is adult acne. A number of studies have proved that genes play a vital role in adult female acne.

  • In case of dry skin, use a cream cleanser whereas in case of oily skin, use something that fights oil or breakouts.
  • Never step out without applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 if not more.

People in their 30s
Your skin starts to dry out resulting in the formation of more fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin will start to feel less smooth and your pores get more enlarged.

  • Cleanse your skin at least twice a day and use a toner that will firm your skin and keep your pores from getting clogged.
  • Use a moisturizer with potent antioxidants.
  • Use a heavier night cream.

People in their 40s
There is a loss of elasticity of skin, especially around the eyes. Menopause, which usually occurs in your late 40s, can lead to a number of hormonal imbalances which may affect your skin too.

  • Use a treatment serum as your skin needs extra protection all day long.
  • Facial oil will prove to be a beneficial investment as the reduction of sebaceous oils in your skin that happens as you age makes it difficult for the skin to hold any moisture within.

People in their 50s and 60s
Sagging of skin is one of the major issues. As the elasticity and collagen levels in your skin degrade, a number of issues such as jowls, turkey neck, fine lines, and loose skin occur. Redness and blotchiness are other commonly seen skin related issues at this phase.

  • Cleanse your face twice daily with a super-hydrating face wash followed by a facial oil, a retinoid, an anti-oxidant rich moisturizer, and an SPF.
  • Apply a rich night cream and facial oil to boost your skin’s oil levels and moisturize it.

People in their 70s and above
Your skin will start looking more translucent and feel scaly or rough. There will be more noticeable signs of photo-aging such as liver spots and sun spots. Deep wrinkles, loose skin, and diminishing volume are other major concerns at this phase of life.

  • Include facial oils and ultra-hydrating moisturizers, both during the day and at night followed by an SPF in the morning.
  • Use milder skin care products.

Your skin type and skin concerns should always dictate what products you use and how often you use them. Skincare with age is an important step towards achieving the optimum results at any point of age with respect to glow, youthfulness and clear skin. Hence, when it comes to fighting visible signs of aging, the earlier you start the better it is.