Life hacks to simplify your daily routine

Life hacks to simplify your daily routine

Life can get tedious sometimes and certain life hacks can be used to overcome tricky situations. These hacks work like shortcuts so that you can manage your time efficiently and become more productive. They make use of your creativity and skills to solve some pressing problems that you may encounter and can sometimes even let you save money along the way. Here are some interesting life hacks to simplify your day.

Gardening and growing roses
Roses are a popular choice of plant for anyone considering gardening as a hobby. Here is an interesting tip for growing these flowers. Before planting roses in your garden, you could try to insert the bottom end of the cutting into potatoes. The potatoes provide moisture and other rich nutrients to the roses so that they do not die or wither away.

Waterproof shoes
No one wants to ruin their shoes during the rainy season. Yet, if you do not want to waste money on a pair of waterproof boots, there is something else you can do. Spread beeswax all over the shoes you wear. Use a blow dryer to dry the wax. Your shoes are now waterproof instantly.

Drying clothes faster
We often want to get our clothes dry fast for a special date or an impromptu vacation. Yet, damp clothes that do not dry can rain on your plans. A simple trick is to place the article of clothing on a dry towel. Subsequently, roll the towel while the garment is still inside. If you twist tightly and get rid of the excess water and leave the article of clothing to dry outside on a hanger, it will dry faster.

Malodorous footwear
If there was a situation for which life hacks were necessary, it would be that of stinky footwear. Unfortunately, shoes can smell due to dirt and sweat. There is one easy trick to get out of this situation. Simply place some dry tea bags inside the shoes to remove the odor. The tea bags absorb the smell. If the shoes are both wet and stinky, a combination of baking soda and rice in the shoe works wonders.

Finding tiny missing items
If you happen to live in a cluttered apartment, you might lose tiny things all the time. The best thing to do is to use your vacuum cleaner to find it quickly. Simply cover the end with pantyhose or perhaps a stocking and begin your search. If you are looking for those lost earrings or a tiny hairpin, you should get them back in no time.

Staying hydrated
It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day as many people forget to get sufficient water intake. It is a good idea to use a marker and draw lines on the bottle along with a time at the level so marked. This marking will be used to tell you how much water you should have had by then and when to drink again. This is a great way to keep your fluid intake high especially if you forget to drink water frequently.