Know the various causes of heartburn

Know the various causes of heartburn

Heartburn is an inflammation in the unprotected lining of the esophagus. The esophagus is a tube which connects the mouth to our stomach. It consists of muscles which work to push the food towards the stomach in gradual rhythmic pulses. Once the food reaches the stomach, the food is prevented from moving back or refluxing back to the esophagus by a circular muscle which is situated right at the junction of the stomach and esophagus, called LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter). There is a flat muscle called the diaphragm which keeps the chest separate from the abdomen. The pressure difference all across the diaphragm also keeps the contents of the stomach in it.

When in the stomach, the food is combined with acids and enzymes which begin the process of digestion. There are protective cells all along the stomach lining which prevent the acid from harming the stomach itself. But the esophagus doesn’t have this same protection and so, if there is a reflux of digestive juices and stomach acids, then these are pushed back into the unprotected esophagus which damages its linings.

The causes of heartburn are as follows:

  • Common foods and drinks like acidic fruits which include grapefruit, orange, and pineapple along with tomatoes and chocolate can also stimulate the stomach to produce more acid secretion which sets it up for acid reflux.
  • Some over-the-counter meds can also start heartburn.
  • Consumption of food with high-fat content affects the function of LES and causes acid reflux in the esophagus.
  • Some drinks like alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks and such can stimulate heartburn.
  • Heartburn is a symptom of a disease called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is caused by acid reflux back into the esophagus. The risk factors for this include things that increase acid production in the stomach along with structural issues which aid the acid reflux.
  • Smoking also results in heartburn by relaxing the LES which causes acid reflux back into the esophagus.
  • A hiatal hernia can also cause heartburn. It is a situation where a part of the stomach lies within the chest instead of where it should be – in the abdomen. It affects the way the LES works and can be a risk factor for heartburn. Hiatal hernia actually presents no symptoms in itself; it is only when LES is affected that heartburn presents as a symptom.
  • Obesity causes increased pressure in the abdominal cavity which affects the function of LES and causes it to reflux.
  • Pregnancy also causes increased pressure within the abdominal cavity which affects the function of the LES and causes reflux.
  • Diseases affecting the esophagus can also give heartburn as a symptom. Some examples are sarcoidosis and scleroderma.

Heartburn isn’t a serious condition. Taking care of one’s diet and what is consumed can ensure that it does not happen. Avoid eating oily food or acidic substances altogether or minimizing their consumption can prevent this uncomfortable condition from taking place.