Easy guide to picking a face mask

Easy guide to picking a face mask

A face mask is a perfect substitute for a good facial, which you can get right in the comfort of your home. Finding the best type of face mask is essential for maintaining good skin. With so many options available in the market, it can be difficult for you to pick the right type of face mask for your skin. But with the help of this simple guide, you can identify which face mask will best suit your skin.

Cream face masks
Cream face masks a good option for those with dry skin. These face masks consist of emollient properties that help keep your skin moist and hydrated. You can either leave the face mask on your skin for as long as 30 minutes or let it moisturize your skin by letting it stay overnight. Those with normal skin can also use this type of face mask.

Gel masks
Gel face masks are for all skin types but can work wonders for those with sensitive skin and dry, dehydrated skin. Containing soothing ingredients like cucumber and mint, these masks help hydrate your skin while cooling it. These gel face masks also firm and tighten your skin, making it healthier and moisturized.

Clay face masks
These face masks make for a good option for those with oily and acne-prone skin. Clay masks are composed of ingredients that help exfoliate your skin. They are useful to unclog your skin pores blocked by grime, oil, and dirt, making your skin smooth and soft. Clay masks are also useful to get rid of all the blackheads and tighten and hydrate your skin. It is recommended to use clay masks with citric and lactic acids.

Thermal face masks
Thermal face masks are designed for mature and aging skin. These face masks are composed of ingredients that produce heat on coming into contact with water, air, or both and leave a deep cleaning effect. Perfect to use in winters, thermal face masks help unblock skin pores, remove impurities, and improve blood circulation.

Peel-off masks
These masks are great for all skin types and are used for getting an instant glow on your face. All the dust, dirt, oil, grime, and impurities on your skin get removed when you peel off the mask. Typically, peel-off masks are plant-based or fruit-based and are composed of natural ingredients only.

Sheet masks
Sheet masks work well with all skin types based on the formula that they contain. However, they are particularly excellent for resistant skin types when they are paired with serums. Available in a large variety for different skin types, sheet masks are easy and fuss-free to use. They give a healthy and glowing look to the skin within 30 minutes.

Exfoliating face masks
These face masks are ideal for all skin types. They help you get rid off all the dead skin cells that can block your skin pores and cause acne. Exfoliating face masks contain pineapple and papaya extracts, enzymes, or lactic acid and glycolic acid that help exfoliate your skin. These face masks help to brighten your skin and add glow to it.

Hydrogel masks
Hydrogel masks are for dry and aging skin. These masks are also a great option for those with inflamed skin. They work well to help deal with wrinkles and other signs of aging.