Common Triggers for Allergies

Common Triggers for Allergies

Allergies are basically sensitive responses by the immune system to various substances in the environment or surroundings. An allergen is a substance that causes an allergy by switching the immune system to overdrive mode. The immune system detects harmful substances then produces antibodies that help in eliminating them. There are various kinds of allergens like pollen, dust mites, foods, weather, animals.

Some allergy symptoms are itchiness, coughing, skin rash. Some triggers for allergies are:

1. Drug allergy
This is an unusual reaction of the immune system towards a certain type of drug, or a specific content in a medication for example Sulphur. This kind of allergy in most cases is mild, although it may cause shock or might be life threatening to the individual. The most common symptoms that can be experienced are fever, rashes and hives but also running nose, itchiness, nausea, swelling and watery eyes. Before any medication as a way of treatment is given, the medication that is causing the reaction has to be discontinued first. There are medications that can be prescribed to the individual depending on how serious the situation or rather the allergy is. Medication like antihistamines or steroids are given when the reaction is mild but in severe situations bronchodilators or adrenalin are given.

2. Food allergy
This is an abnormal reaction that is triggered by a specific type of food which attacks the immune system. Some of the foods that cause allergy in adults are fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts an example being walnut, but in children examples are eggs, soy, wheat and milk. There is no evident reason that causes food allergy that has been found out up until now. Abdominal pain is often experienced together with other symptoms such as diarrhea that means that the digestive system has been interfered with, vomiting, bloating, nausea, leg cramps and tingling lips. One way of dealing with this type of allergy is avoiding the foods that trigger the allergy, but also Antihistamine drugs can be used to treat mild reactions, but for serious reactions an injection of epinephrine drug can be administered.

3. Allergies and asthma
The allergens that trigger allergies and asthma are caused by a lot of sneezing and watery eyes are the same ones that cause asthma attacks. This is one of the very common allergies that many people including kids tend to suffer from. According to medical researches, an proximity of 90percent of kids are suffering from this allergy as well as 50 percent of adults. The allergens that have been so far detected as a cause of asthma is breathing in pollen, dust mites, animal dander or molds. It can become severe when one exposes self to cold air or cold weather frequently, staying in dusty areas, smoking or even inhaling strong smells. What happens in this case is that the airways in the body become very sensitive and as a result the muscles around it tighten up. With this, the individual tends to cough, have shortness of breath, wheeze, have a tight chest feeling. The methods of treatment available is first by avoiding the allergens thus the allergy triggers like smoking and exposing self to cold, and also through medication.