Common Breast Cancer Symptoms

Common Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers for women. There are many symptoms and early warning signs that women can watch for but it is also helpful to know exactly what breast cancer is. Cancer is formed when a group of abnormal cells merge together and attack surrounding tissue. These abnormal cells can also metastasize and spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors grow in the breast and result in breast cancer.

Common breast cancer symptoms include:

1. Breast swelling
When breast cancer spread to the lymph nodes located along the breast, armpit or collarbone many women will experience swelling. Often the swelling will even occur prior to a lump forming. This is an early warning sign that should not be ignored.

2. Dimpling of the skin
Inflammatory breast cancer can cause dimpling of the skin. The skin may be hot to the touch, painful and very sensitive. The skin on the breast will sometimes turn a reddish color and will look like the uneven skin of an orange. Inflammatory breast cancer does not always produce a lump.

3. Breast and/or nipple pain
Breast cancer does not always cause breast and nipple pain unless it is inflammatory breast cancer. The skin can feel raw or exposed. While this pain is not always associated with breast cancer it is best to consult medical attention to rule out any other underlying conditions.

4. Nipple retraction
When a nipple retracts it will turn inward and is sometimes then referred to as an inverted nipple. Some doctors will also consider a completely flat nipple as an inverted nipple. Carcinoma is one of the most common types of breast cancer that is found on routine mammogram screenings. Nipple retraction is one of the main symptoms of Carcinoma.

5. Redness or scaliness
One rare type of breast cancer is Paget’s disease. This cancer starts at the nipple and extends to the areola. This is a less commonly invasive breast cancer that typically targets women 50 years of age or older. Paget’s disease is associated with ductal breast cancer. Signs of Paget’s disease are not limited to scaliness of the nipple and breast. Other symptoms include a lump, soreness, nipple discharge, redness and itching.

6. Abnormal nipple discharge
Abnormal nipple discharge is a symptom of several types of breast cancers. The discharge can be stringy and yellow or oozy and white. If you notice any type of nipple discharge you should schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately.

There are new screenings in place for doctors to look for the presence of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes. These genes are known for creating tumor suppressor proteins that are found in people who have breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Doctors are able to work with patients who have these genes present to reduce risks and create health management plans. Women experiencing any of these symptoms or who have tested positive with gene screening will want to work with their physicians to establish a treatment plan.