Causes of dandruff

Causes of dandruff

Even though it is a common issue, dandruff can not only be hard to treat but can also be embarrassing in public. Accompanied by itching, dandruff occurs when the scalp starts developing flakes of dry skin. Even though dandruff is not connected to hygiene, improper maintenance of hair, like brushing and washing, can increase the chances of dandruff. Usually appearing in middle-aged individuals, dandruff becomes less prevalent as one grows older. It can occur due to a plethora of factors, which include sensitivity, skin conditions, and dry skin. If you notice white flakes of dead skin while brushing your hair or on your shoulders, it is dandruff, and one of these factors may be the reason for your dandruff.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis
    Usually causing irritated and oily skin, seborrheic dermatitis is a condition that affects parts of the skin, like the side of the nose and behind the ears, including the scalp. This condition is not usually something to worry about, but if it turns overactive, it causes the scalp to create a higher quantity of dead skin cells with significant irritation. When mixed with the oil in the scalp, these dead skin cells turn into dandruff.
  • Lack of brushing the hair
    Combing or brushing is often considered a good way to make you look good, while the truth is quite the opposite. Although brushing your hair helps you look presentable, its main purpose is to eliminate harmful substances from the scalp. While overbrushing leads to damage to the hair follicles, when done regularly, brushing can significantly reduce your risk of dandruff. If you don’t have a habit of combing your hair, dandruff can accumulate in your scalp and lead to hair loss.
  • Shampoo and other skin care products
    It is often thought that just because dandruff is a result of dry scalp, it can be avoided by the use of shampoo or other hair products. While this might be true in many cases, overuse or improper use of these products will worsen the condition by damaging the scalp instead. Ironically enough, too much shampoo can be the cause of dandruff. It can lead to flakes of dead skin as over-shampooing causes irritation to the scalp.
  • Age
    The oil production in all parts of the body, including the scalp, is regulated by hormones. Hence, hormonal changes can change the amount of oil on the scalp, potentially causing dandruff, which implies a high chance of dandruff in times of hormonal changes. While hormonal changes can be a reason for dandruff, it doesn’t mean that dandruff can occur only during your teenage years.
    Having dandruff during your teenage years doesn’t imply a lifelong condition. However, it could mean the possibility of a recurring issue. Similarly, not experiencing dandruff as a teenager does not reduce the possibility of developing dandruff further in your life.

As you can see, there are many causes of dandruff. It is best to follow good and hygienic hair care practices to avoid this problem altogether.