6 Early Warning Signs of MS

6 Early Warning Signs of MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune disorder. It is a progressive disorder that worsens over time. As an immune-mediated disorder, the system designed to protect your body inadvertently attacks important areas of the body. This leads to nerve damage and diminished brain and spinal cord function. Severe cases of MS may also cause diminished brain function, vision loss, and paralysis. The disease has many early warning signs, such as the seven below:

1. Vision problems
One of the most common early MS symptoms, vision problems occurs due to the disruption of the optic nerve. This causes trouble with the central vision, resulting in blurred vision, double vision, and sometimes even loss of vision. Many people experience vision problems now and again. If problems with vision become bothersome, talking to your doctor is always a good idea.

2. Pain and spasms
Pain and involuntary muscle spasms also commonly occur with MS. Many studies indicate that early half of every patient diagnosed with MS experiences pain. Muscle stiffness and leg pain are most common, but back pain and painful jerking of the extremities can also occur.

3. Tingling and numbness
Tingling and numbness are additional early warning signs of MS. Because this disease affects the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord, it results in mixed signals being sent throughout the body. Sometimes tingling is the result; other times it is numbness instead. The arm, legs, face, and fingers are the most common areas of the body to experience tingling and numbness.

4. Balance problems and dizziness
Problems with balance, coordination, and dizziness are common when MS is present. These issues are quite severe, oftentimes debilitating the individual and their mobility. Vertigo and vertigo-like symptoms are also common.

5. Fatigue and weakness
Fatigue and weakness occur in people affected by MS early on before many other signs and symptoms are present. People affected by MS state they feel tired or fatigued before they even perform strenuous tasks. The fatigue can last for multiple days or weeks at a time. Studies show that approximately 80% of all MS patients experience fatigue and weakness as a result of the condition. Chronic fatigue may deteriorate the spinal column.

6. Bladder and bowel dysfunction
As many as 80% of all MS patients experience bladder and bowel dysfunction as one of the early warning symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Frequent and strong urges to urinate and inability to hold in urine are the most common symptoms of bladder and bowel dysfunction. A person afflicted by MS may also have frequent bouts with diarrhea and other bowel-related issues.