5 ways to use an eye primer

5 ways to use an eye primer

The eye shadow primer can safely be labeled as one of the greatest makeup inventions of all time. Not only does an eye shadow primer make your eye shadow go smooth and look vibrant, but it also helps it last all day. Using an eye shadow primer prevents your eye shadow from pooling into the creases of your eye. The eye shadow primer can actually be used as a multipurpose product that can be applied to other parts of the face and not just on your eyes.

  • Under the eyes
    When used underneath the eye, an eye shadow primer can serve two purposes: it can help make your concealer last longer and also prevent it from creasing. Since eye primers prevent your eyeshadow from creasing, a similar principle applies to the skin underneath your eyes. Since it also allows shadows to stick better, concealer will also stay on longer.
  • On your brows
    Do you ever just look at yourself at the end of the day, only to notice that your brow powder has smudged off completely or has gone patchy in certain areas? You need not fear this problem anymore as an eyeshadow primer comes in handy in such a situation. Take a small amount and swipe it across your brows; let it dry for some time, and then apply the brow product of your choice. This will give you makeup that stays throughout the day.
  • Over pimples
    Concealers and foundations just never seem to stay on top of a pimple throughout the day, which makes hiding them a task tedious enough. Dabbing a tad bit of the eye primer on the problem area before applying foundation and concealer and then setting in a powder to lock it all up ensures that it stays until you take your makeup off.
  • On the fine lines
    It is inevitable that as you age, fine smile lines and wrinkles begin to crop up onto your skin. When you apply foundation to your face, the product tends to settle into these susceptible areas of the face throughout the day due to facial movement and oil production. To prevent this from happening, you can pat a little bit of the eye primer over these lines.
  • On your lips
    In today’s times, there is a primer for everything, including the lips, but an eye primer will suffice for the same thing in a pinch. Sweep on a tiny bit of your eye primer on your lips before applying a lip liner and a lipstick to help prevent it from smudging or bleeding outside the boundary of your lips. Doing this will also help in considerably prolonging the time for which your lipstick stays. Ensure that your lips are well moisturized before applying the primer.

There are plenty of other ways in which an eye primer can effectively be used in a number of everyday makeup hacks.